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Video: Improve Your Running Form

Natural running form dos and don’ts

“Born to run”–you’ve heard the phrase in songs (Springsteen), seen it on book covers (author Christopher McDougall), and perhaps watched more than one movie with the words in the title. It’s a well-known catch phrase for a reason: Baby, we were born to run! We all have a natural inclination to make certain movements when we’re running. These movements can help or hurt our form–speed us up or slow us down. In the following video, Nathan Helming from The Run Experience shows us how to fine-tune those habits into great running form.

Dave Pomije

I'm a runner based in Southern California. I've been distance running over 20 years and have since completed many marathons and other distances throughout the U.S. and the world.

I started Rungeni to support runners with reliable information and to help them get started with tools, tips, the latest research and inspiration. If you want to reach me, I'm on Strava.